Types of Motorcycle Insurance
It is essential that any operating vehicle, be it car or motorcycle, be properly insured before it takes to the road. That being said, finding the right insurance coverage can be difficult and confusing. Brock and Poole Insurance Agency can help you understand the levels of coverage that are available and decide which level of insurance is right for you.
There are several different coverage options when it comes to motorcycle insurance just as there are with car insurance. The first and most obvious is going to be full coverage. This is going to be required in most states if you have a lien against the bike and owe money to any lending agency for it. This is to protect the interest of the company that loaned you the money.
If there is an accident, full coverage will cover the cost of the loan so that you can purchase another vehicle and so that no one loses a ton of money. Most full coverage policies are also going to have specific options like paying medical bills, how much money is paid out in the event that the bike is totaled and so on. You can find out more about this specific type of coverage for your state from your insurance agent.
The other common type is liability insurance. This is only going to cover a certain amount of money and will help take care of your medical bills and of the bills of the person that is involved in a crash with you. This is going to be the type of insurance you may have if you buy the bike outright and owe no money on it.
No matter what type of insurance coverage you opt for, it is always easier if you have an agent on your side to help you get through the process.