Car insurance need not be expensive to provide the protection you need. If you’re new to purchasing auto insurance, it’s easy to make mistakes that can result in paying more money than necessary for a policy. At Brock and Poole Insurance Agency, we’ll help you avoid costly insurance mistakes and guide you to affordable auto insurance policies suited to your budget and needs. Here are some common mistakes consumers make when searching for auto insurance.
Not Comparing Policy Prices
If you don’t shop around and compare what different insurers in Collierville, TN have to offer, how do you know you’re getting the best deal? By comparing insurance companies, policies, and prices online, you can save time and money on your car insurance.
Not Knowing Insurance Requirements
Before you can buy auto insurance, you need to know what’s required for the state where you live. In Tennessee, you’re required to have minimum liability coverage to pay for injuries or damages you cause to other motorists in an accident that’s your fault. Additional insurance coverage such as collision, comprehensive, roadside assist and towing are all optional.
Not Getting Enough Coverage
When buying auto insurance, try to get a balanced package that protects both you and others in the event of accidents. Insufficient coverage could result in your getting sued for damages or having to pay for personal repairs out of pocket.
When it comes to liability coverage, minimum state requirements may not be enough to cover the fallout of serious accidents. By getting more than the minimum, you stand a better chance of protecting your interests. You should also consider coverage to protect your vehicle so you don’t have to pay repair costs on your own.
At Brock and Poole Insurance Agency in Collierville, TN, we can help you find the right auto insurance coverage at the right price.